The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) brought about the world’s most profound spiritual revolution ever witnessed:
“A strange phenomenal event took place in the desert of Arabia when hundreds of thousands of the dead became alive within a few days and those who had been corrupted through generations took on Divine color. The blind began to see and the tongues of the dumb began to flow with Divine wisdom. Such a revolution took place in the world as no eye had seen and no ear had heard of before. Do you realize what that was? All that was brought about by prayers during the darkness of the nights of one who had been wholly lost in God that created an uproar in the world and manifested such wonders as seemed impossible at the hands of the unlettered helpless person. O Allāh! send down blessings and peace on him and on his followers in proportion to his concern and suffering for the Muslim Ummah (the people of Islām), and shower upon him the light of Thy mercy forever.’ (Barakātud-Du‘ā, pp. 10-11)
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih IV (rh) stated in his Friday Sermon of August 28th, 1987: ”Regarding Tabligh, every Ahmadi must very well understand that: Tabligh is not an optional obligation. His spiritual personality will not be complete without Tabligh. This is a compulsory duty. It is so important that Allah addressing the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) says that if he did not perform this duty, it will mean that he has wasted the office of the prophethood. For this injunction, the whole of his Ummah (followers) is accountable, including us.”
As the Promised Messiah (as) worked tirelessly in the defense of Islam, he also faced lots of opposition. Allah the Almighty revealed to the Promised Messiah (as):
“I shall humiliate him who seeks to humiliate you.”
OUR HISTORY,PASSION,RESILIENCE, & PRAYERS This prophecy was fulfilled time and time again, where through prayers and a living connection with Allah, the Promised Messiah (as) overcame all of his opponents and demonstrated the truth of Islam Ahmadiyyat.
Abdullah Atham
Died within 7 months of an unconditional prophecy made that he would die within one year.
Alexander Dowie
“Great is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, The Messiah Foretold Pathetic End of Dowie” – The Boston Herald
Pandit Lekhram
Promised Messiah (as) stated that: “If within six years from today February 20, 1893, this man does not meet with punishment from God, which is unusual in its poignancy and tragedy and which empresses all and sundry with the fear of the Lord, then let everybody think that I am not from God”
When five years passed after the prophecies were published, people began to mock the Promised Messiah and claimed that it was an unfulfilled prophecy. To their surprise, the next Eid-ul-Fitr which was the end of Ramadhan occurred on a Friday and on the following day in the afternoon, Lekh Ram was killled by a trusted companion who wished to convert from Islam to Hinduism.
“I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth.”
We look at the pace by which Islam Ahmadiyyat has spread to every nation in the world, in over 200 countries, with tens of millions of followers, this is only possible through the divine support of Allah the Almighty.
Despite the humiliation of all the opponents of the Promised Messiah (as), he always remained humble and exhibited the highest levels of morality and purity. Allah the Almighty revealed to the Promised Messiah (as):
“He has liked your humble ways”
It was the character of the Promised Messiah (as) that brought thousands of people towards him in his lifetime. He would invite people to come to Qadian, and spend time with him, and would show them the signs of Allah for themselves to see. This was the power of the prayers of the Promised Messiah (as) and the potency and power of his relationship with Allah Almighty. When people accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat, they would see the physical change in their lives and the positive impact that it would have on them.
Let’s look at the story of Hazrat Seth Abdur Rahman (ra) sahib. The Promised Messiah (as) had written over 80 books for the propagation of Islam. One day Hazrat Seth Abdur Rahman (ra) sahib received a book in the mail from the Promised Messiah (as) known as Fathe Islam. Upon hearing his brother read this book, Hazrat Seth Abdur Rahman (ra) sahib’s heart became so overwhelmed with conviction that this must have been written by the prophesied Imam Mahdi and Promised Messiah to come in the latter days. He then ordered more books of the Promised Messiah (as) and later accepted Islam Ahmadiyyat. Hazrat Seth Abdur Rahman (ra) sahib states about his experience after bai’at: “During the past 20 or 25 years prior to doing bai’at, I had such unspeakable illnesses and habits within me that I often used to cry to my Lord as to how I could ever get rid of them. The task of riddance appeared impossible to me even after trying thousands of times. However, I state under oath that after the bai’at all of these things disappeared one after another… and I felt no pain.” Further elaborating on the profound books of the Promised Messiah (as), regarding Brahine Ahmadiyyat, Sufi Mir Abbas Ali Shah wrote: “I smell the fragrance of prophethood from the writings of this book.”
Hazrat Sayyid Ashhad-ud-Din, who was a famous saint of Hyderabad wrote in a letter: “I saw the Holy Prophet Muhammad in a vision. I entreated him, O Messenger of God, is this man who claims to be the Promised Messiah, a liar and imposter, or truthful? The Holy Prophet replied, ‘He is truthful and has come from God.’ So I then understood that you are right. After this, we shall not have any doubts concerning you.” In the end, we must remember the responsibilities that have been entrusted to us regarding Tabligh.
The Promised Messiah (as) states in Malfuzat: “If it was within my power, I would have desired to go from door to door like beggars and propagate the True Religion of Allah and thereby rescue humanity from Shirk and Kufr. If Allah would grant me the knowledge of the English Language, I would personally embark on preaching expeditions and spend my entire life in this pursuit even if I were to die in this cause.”
Once, I brought the Jama’at’s attention towards the fact that in a year, every Ahmadi should strive to convert at least one person to Ahmadiyyat. Upon this, Maulvi Muhammad Abdullah Sahib, a companion of the Promised Messiah (as), stood up and said, “I will not convert just one person, rather I will convert a hundred people to Ahmadiyyat.” When he came to Jalsa the next year, he was accompanied by a man whom he had brought to take the oath of allegiance. He said, “You can find out from the office that I have already converted 99 people, and this is the hundredth person, who I have brought to take the oath of allegiance. I have fulfilled my promise.” Although Maulvi Abdullah Sahib was called ‘Maulvi’, he was in fact an average landowner, who was very passionate about Tabligh. Observe! If a landowner can bring a hundred people into the fold of Ahmadiyyat within the span of a year, then a missionary who converts a hundred people to Ahmadiyyat within a year should still feel ashamed. So, do not rejoice upon converting one or two people to Ahmadiyyat. In the Ahadith, the Holy Prophet (sa) is recorded to have stated:
“I treat My servant according to his perception of Me”
If you are happy with one person [converting to Ahmadiyyat], then Allah the Almighty will grant you one person; If you are happy with two people [converting to Ahmadiyyat], then He will grant you two people. However, if you were not satisfied with even ten million people [converting to Ahmadiyyat] and you prayed, ‘O God! I will only be happy when you grant me fifty million’ then God would treat you accordingly. So, do not feel proud if one or two people have entered the fold of Ahmadiyyat through you. Rather, you should not be happy until you bring thousands, in fact hundreds of thousands and millions of people into the fold of Ahmadiyyat.
(KHUTBAT-E-MAHMUD, VOL. 36, PP. 212-213)