“A strange phenomenal event took place in the desert of Arabia, when hundreds of thousands of the dead became alive within a few days and those who had been corrupted through generations took on Divine color. The blind began to see and the tongues of the dumb began to flow with Divine wisdom. Such a revolution took place in the world as no eye had seen and no ear had heard of before. Do you realise what that was? All that was brought about by prayers during the darkness of the nights of one who had been wholly lost in God, that created an uproar in the world and manifested such wonders as seemed impossible at the hands of the unlettered helpless person. O Allāh! Send down blessings and peace on him and on his followers in proportion to his concern and suffering for the Muslim Ummah (the people of Islām), and shower upon him the light of Thy mercy forever.”
(Barakātud-Du‘ā, pp. 10-11)