Guidance from Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (AA)

“Allah the Exalted, as we know, manifests Himself upon us through His attributes. He also says to His servants that they should color themselves in His colors and reflect His attributes. Only then will they be deserving of being called His real servants. There is no doubt, that the most perfect example of this commandment of Allah is not to be seen anywhere except in the person of the Holy Prophet (sa). He is that beloved of Allah from whose light many were blessed in the past, many are being blessed today, and many more will be blessed till the end of time, God Willing.

The Promised Messiah(as) has described the blessed personage of the Holy Prophet (sa) in these words, “That man who in his person, his attributes, his words, his deeds, his spirituality, and his holy faculties set an example of perfection in knowledge, action, sincerity, and steadfastness and was called the perfect man. That man who was the most perfect man, who was the most perfect prophet, who came with perfect blessings, who through spiritual revival and resurrection caused the first day of judgment in this world, and the world that was dead found a new life through his coming.

What was that day of judgment? It was the day when the dead ere given a new life. That blessed prophet was the Seal of the Prophets, the leader of the pure, the last of the messengers, the pride of the prophets Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa, may Allah shower His blessings upon him. O` our Lord shower such blessings upon this beloved prophet of ours as you have not sent on any since the beginning of time. May Allah shower peace and blessings upon him, his progeny, and all his companions.”

So, this is our Holy Prophet (sa) who, due to the love of Allah, truly manifested Allah’s attributes in himself. At another place the Promised Messiah(as) says, “He loved God to the extreme and he was extremely compassionate towards fellow human beings.” It was due to his intense love for Allah that he loved God’s creatures. He could not bear to see them in pain. God treats His servants under the divine attributes of Grace and Mercy.

How can it be that the person whose sole purpose, whose every action and inaction was to win the pleasure of Allah, would not treat God’s creatures in the same manner as God would. His compassion, mercy, and love for God’s creatures were so intense that Allah has recorded them in the Holy Quran in the verse that I have recited at the beginning. The translation of this verse is:

“Surely, a Messenger has come unto you from among yourselves; grievous to him is it that you should fall into trouble; he is ardently desirous of your welfare; and to the believers he is specially compassionate and merciful.” (9:128)

So, this is the example of our beloved Prophet(sa) and his feelings for the betterment of humanity. That beloved Messenger(sa) feels intense pain to see you suffer, or the punishment you will bear as a result of disobedience of God’s commandments.

This verse reflects his feelings for both the believers and non-believers. We see from his life that he and his companions had to bear extremes of pain and suffering at the hands of his enemies. Women’s legs would be tied to two camels that would be made to run in opposite directions thereby tearing apart their bodies.

He himself was tortured. He, along with his followers, was isolated in a desolate valley for two and a half years. Even then, he wished well for them. He used to pray that Allah may guide them to the right path so that they may be saved from the wrath of Allah. When he fought, it was only to defend himself. The thought of revenge never ever even crossed his mind. He was so restless to save them that he was ready to lay down his own life.”

(Friday Sermon February 23, 2007)


“If there is a ray of hope and a guarantee of peace, it is in the one and only person who was sent with the teaching of peace and harmony to the world. He is the person who is the King of Peace and he is more beloved to Allah the Almighty than all others. He is the one who brought the final and complete law, whose teachings are filled with love and kindness. Due to his strong relationship with God Almighty, his deep concern to spread the teaching that was revealed to him, to save the world from its destruction and his angst for the state of mankind, he had put his own life in extreme pain and hardship. He had become burdened and pained out of his own concern for people and he yearned and cried so much in his prayers for the world that Allah the Almighty said to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa): “Haply thou wilt grieve thyself to death because they believe not.” (26:4)

Such was the love he had for humanity that they may turn to their Creator and save themselves, both in this life and in the hereafter. He imparted such a comprehensive teaching which no other teaching can compare to. He presented such a guarantee for peace which in reality is the guarantee from Allah the Almighty, yet, regrettably, even the Muslims have forgotten this teaching. They simply make verbal proclamations of faith and have in fact become thirsty for each other’s blood and seek help from other non-Muslims for this cause. Those who recite the kalimah [Islamic creed] are killing one another with the support of the enemies of religion. What greater misfortune can befall the Muslims?

Despite claiming to follow such beautiful teachings and such a compassionate Messenger (sa), they are incurring the displeasure of Allah the Almighty. Instead of spreading peace and harmony in the world, they are becoming more and more infamous for spreading unrest. This is due to the fact that they are not even willing to listen to the words of the true servant of the King of Peace and most beloved of Allah the Almighty, who was sent to the world in this era to spread the teachings of peace and harmony.

It is not merely the case that they refuse to listen to him, they have gone to the extent of deeming the issuing of edicts of disbelief against [the Promised Messiah (as)] and his followers and to kill them as a service to Islam and a standard for expressing their love for the Holy Prophet (sa), the Chosen One and the Seal of the Prophets. To play with the lives of Ahmadis is worthy of reward in their view. Hence, how can such people spread Islam’s teachings of peace to the world? If only these people would come to their senses.

If only their clerics would become scholars who spread wisdom and knowledge rather than becoming scholars of evil, so that they could become a united people who spread the teachings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa) in the world, and join with the True Servant of the Holy Prophet (sa) in order to spread the true teachings of peace and harmony to the world.”

(Concluding Address at Jalsa Salana Germany 2022)



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