Guidance From Khalifatul Masih V (AA)


“It is very important to recognise that the primary objective of the ijtima is not merely for the Khuddam and Atfal to gather together and enjoy each other’s company; rather, the true and overriding objective of the ijtima is the spiritual, moral, and religious development of the participants. The ijtima provides a place for you to take a step away from the material world and to focus your time and energy on absorbing and experiencing those speeches, competitions, and activities that will increase your piety and standards of righteousness.

I reiterate that these ijtimas are not held for social or recreational purposes; rather, the various auxiliary organisations hold their ijtimas to spiritually motivate their members through activities that are specially tailored for them according to their age and understanding. They are held so that the members can spend time with their peers and focus on developing their spiritual state and religious knowledge. They serve to address the particular challenges and issues that are faced by the members of each auxiliary organisation, and to help them overcome those challenges so that they can fulfil the commands of God Almighty in the very best way.

Furthermore, the ijtimas are held to ensure that every single Ahmadi, both male and female, and regardless of their age, ethnicity, or social background, understand that they are each of great value and importance to the Jama’at. Thus, I hope and pray all of you will have fully engaged with the ijtima activities and programme to the best of your abilities.”



“Taking part in sports and doing exercise is important because it enables a person to stay fit, and if a person is physically strong and healthy, he is better able to worship and fulfil the rights of Allah the Almighty and His creation. However, your main focus at the ijtima and throughout the year should always be on increasing your spirituality and religious knowledge.

In order to gain secular knowledge and to advance in education, the majority of Ahmadi youth study very hard; however, in many cases, the same effort and struggle is not being made for the sake of gaining religious knowledge. Hence, the main reason we hold Jalsas and ijtimas is so that all the participants can join together to elevate their spiritual and moral standards, increase their religious knowledge, and recognise that they should continually seek to better themselves. Most importantly, attending the ijtima should focus the minds of all participants on the foremost requirement of strengthening their bond with Allah the Almighty.

Most of you will be aware of the famous saying of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) [second worldwide head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community] in which he addressed Khuddam by saying:

‘Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of the youth.’

These enlightened words have not only become the main slogan of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, but have also become the basis of its activities and schemes. However, it is not enough to merely repeat this slogan or to have it printed on posters or badges; rather, you must understand its true meaning and the underlying philosophy behind these profound words.

The reason Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) assigned this slogan to Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was to emphasise how important it was for the youth to not only gain secular education, but above and beyond this, to constantly develop their relationship with Allah the Almighty. ”



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