My Experience At The 2023 Annual Khuddam Ijtima

I eagerly look forward to the annual Canada Khuddam Ijtima each year. Last year’s Ijtima was a remarkable gathering that not only strengthened our spiritual bonds but also reinforced our commitment to the values of brotherhood, discipline, and service.

From the moment I arrived in Peace Village last year, I was greeted with the warmth and hospitality that are hallmarks of our Khuddam. The event was meticulously organized, with every detail carefully planned to ensure that all attendees felt welcomed and engaged. The registration process was smooth, and the volunteers were extremely helpful, guiding everyone to their respective areas with patience and kindness.

One of the highlights of last year’s Ijtima for me was the series of speeches and presentations. The opening session was a sight to behold. I have never seen so many people packed in on a marquee on a Friday. Imam sahibs speech was also very inspiring. I felt spiritually rejuvenated and almost stayed away from my cell phone for the whole weekend!

The topics covered were both relevant and inspiring, ranging from the importance of spiritual growth to the role of Khuddam in serving humanity. Each speaker brought a unique perspective, and I found myself deeply moved by the passion and sincerity with which they spoke. The speeches were a powerful reminder of our responsibilities as members of the community and the impact we can have when we come together with a shared purpose.

The sports and physical activities were another aspect of the Ijtima that I thoroughly enjoyed. The competitions were not only a great way to foster camaraderie among the Khuddam but also an opportunity to promote physical fitness and healthy living. Whether it was the soccer matches, the races, or the tugof-war, there was a sense of unity and sportsmanship that permeated the entire event. It was heartening to see everyone, regardless of skill level, participating with enthusiasm and cheering each other on.

I found the bonfire sessions to be the best attraction at the Ijtima. The relaxed environment (and Kashmiri tea) allowed Khuddam to ask questions where they would not be judged. With the nice summer breeze, firewood smell and good conversation, I am thoroughly looking forward to it again this year! In addition to the spiritual and physical activities, last year’s Ijtima also provided ample opportunities for social interaction.

The break times and meal sessions were perfect for catching up with old friends and making new ones. The atmosphere was one of warmth and brotherhood, with everyone sharing stories, laughing together, and offering support to one another. It is this sense of community that I find most special about the Ijtima – the feeling that we are all part of something much bigger than ourselves. My experience at last year’s Ijtima was amazing. It was a time of spiritual rejuvenation, physical activity, and social connection – all of which are essential for our growth as individuals and as a community. I am really looking forward to attending again this year and meet all the Khuddam from Canada and enjoying three days of spiritual growth and brotherhood.

Fahad Bhatti

Fahad Bhatti

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