The First Ijtima of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya

Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was founded by the second Khalifa of the Promised Messiah (as), Al-Musleh Maud Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad (ra) in 1938. The purpose of this auxiliary was to cater to the spiritual and moral training of the Ahmadi youth between the ages of 15 and 40, with the intent of bringing about the triumph of Islam in the world. Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra), while establishing the foundation of this Majlis, prophesized:

I am seeing the replies to the attacks (of the enemy) that will be given by us. The knowledge of each and every thing is present in my mind, and Khuddamul Ahmadiyya is one part of it. In reality, it is a means of spiritual training, and a spiritual knowledge and moral training… Now is the time for the training of the youth and their moral training (Tarbiyat). The period of training is usually a quiet period of time. People perceive that nothing is happening, but when the nation comes out into the practical field after completing their moral training, then the world begins to see its outcome. In truth, a living nation that rises with the raising of a hand, and sits with the lowering of a hand, creates a great change in the world.

(Tarikh Ahmadiyyat, vol. 7, p. 446)


In the inception of the Khuddamul Ahmadiyya auxiliary, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) stated the purpose for which this auxiliary was truly created for, and what the main reason for doing so was. He stated: My purpose for the establishment of this Majlis was so that the knowledge that is ingrained in our hearts may not be affected or changed, rather, it continues through generations upon generations to be ingrained in our hearts.

(Tarikh Ahmadiyyat, vol. 7, p. 446)


On the 4th of February of 1938, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) gave the name “Khuddamul Ahmadiyya” (Servants of Ahmadiyyat) to this auxiliary. The very first Ijtima of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya was held on December 25, 1938 at 3 PM in Masjid Noor in Qadian, India. Addressing the gathering in the very first Ijtima, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra) admonished the youth with the following:

1.Develop Reverence for Ahmadiyyat in your hearts.

2.Establish the substance of steadfastness.

3.Make the habit of working hard.

4.Refrain from acting upon conjectures and develop steadfastness.

5.Develop broad mindedness and acquire a deep familiarity with the current situations.

6.Create the spirit of integrity.

7.Take part in events relating to the service of mankind.

8.Accept and acquire the truth.

9.Always have your purpose and goals in front of you.

10.Take responsibility for the consequences of your actions.

11.If a fault is made, then be ready to accept its repercussions.

12.One should understand that the one who annihilates himself for his nation, is not truly annihilated. Until a nation is alive, till then remains true existence. Thus, in comparison to the life of nation, an individual’s sacrifice bears no weight.

13.Do not simply reform yourselves, but also reform the environment around you.

14.Develop wisdom.

15.Create the essence of obedience within yourselves.

16.Always keep in mind that the footsteps of the Jama’at must always be towards progress.


These were the blessed words of the founder of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya, Hazrat Musleh Mau’ud (ra). These were the advices he gave to the youth of the time which incorporate the fundamentals of this Majlis.

Over time, we’ve seen how the Ijtima’at in various countries have progressed over the years. What once began as a small humble gathering in a mosque in Qadian, India has now grown to nations across the world with thousands of members of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya attending the annual Ijtima’ each year. The event serves as a platform for spiritual, educational, and physical development of the Ahmadi youth. Each and every year the directives and objectives given by Khalifatul Masih are incorporated within the theme of the Ijtima. The Ijtima of Majlis Khuddamul-Ahmadiyya is not only a time for physical and educational competitions but also a spiritual retreat. It strengthens the bonds of brotherhood, enhances religious knowledge, and provides a platform for the youth to prepare themselves to serve their community and humanity at large. The Ijtima continues to evolve, reflecting the dynamic needs of the youth while staying rooted in the core values of the Jama’at. Thus, the annual Ijtima’at across the world are the fruits of the seed that was sown in the humble village of Qadian in December of 1938. By understanding and reflecting on the history of this blessed event, we can understand the importance and significance that it holds and the responsibilities of each and every Ahmadi towards the Jama’at.

May Allah enable us all to become the recipients of the blessings that pertain to this blessed event. Ameen!

Murabbi Rezwan Ahmad

Murabbi Rezwan Ahmad

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