Winning Hearts The Might Of Morals

When the 3rd Khalifa, Hazrat Mirza Nasir Ahmad (rh) visited Europe in the 1970’s, he was asked a question by an interviewer: “Which part does the Ahmadiyya Movement play in Islam? Beloved Huzoor answered, “We believe that the Mahdi has come to create the conditions of peace in this world. We believe in equality of human beings in the rule of law and we are against all types of oppression.” The reporter then asked: How do you conduct your mission in Europe? To which Huzoor replied “We try to win the hearts.” This beautiful and simple response by Khalifatul Masih the 3rd (rh) was the embodiment of the entire character of the Holy Prophet (Sa).

Generosity – Courage – Justice – Mercy Benevolence – Truthfulness

It captured the beautiful morals and character of the Holy Prophet and how he was the champion of winning hearts. There are countless stories and examples throughout the life of the Holy Prophet which displayed his excellent character and high moral values. Mentioning the high standards of the high moral qualities of the Holy Prophet (sa), the Promised Messiah (as) states on one occasion, “Addressing the Holy Prophet (sa), Allah the Glorious says: ‘Thou dost surely possess high moral excellences’. (Surah Al Qalam: V.5)

“Hence, in accordance with this elaboration it means that you embody every form of moral excellence, such as generosity, courage, justice, mercy, benevolence, truthfulness and forbearance etc.,” meaning, to tolerate something with forbearance. He was known as Al-Amin (the trustworthy) in his community because of his reputation for integrity and reliability in business and personal dealings. This was a title given to him prior to his claim to Prophethood.

On one occasion the Holy Prophet (Sa) assembled the Meccans in one place. He then asked if they would believe him if he said an army is approaching from behind the mountains. Every single Meccan replied with affirmation, for they had never heard him utter a lie. The Holy Prophet (Sa) was known for his compassion and forgiveness.

Upon reentering Mecca, at the height of one of the greatest conquests in history, when most people would be proud and unforgiving, what was the state of the Holy Prophet? His head was hung low in humility and he was busy in the remembrance of Allah. These displays of excellent Morals were enough to win the hearts of men and enable them to accept the message of Islam.

Similarly, there is a famous incident of an old woman throwing garbage on the Holy Prophet whenever he passed from her house. He would pass by the house on his way to the mosque. One day when the Prophet was passing by, they woman was not there to throw garbage on him. The Holy Prophet stopped and asked the old lady’s neighbor about her well-being. The neighbour informed the Prophet that the women was sick on her bed. The Holy Prophet entered the home with permission and approached the sick Woman. Naturally she was scared and thought the Prophet had come to seek revenge while she was in this helpless state.

The Holy Prophet reassured her that he was simply coming there to check on her well being and it was the command of Allah to Muslims to visit the sick. This display of utmost kindness and love by the Holy Prophet, moved the woman so much that she immediately accepted Islam at that moment. It was this display of High Morals that won her heart.

In the History of the World, there is no equal to the Holy Prophet in any aspects. He was the embodiment of all excellent moral qualities and the champion of winning hearts.

It is related by Hazrat Sa’ad bin Hisham bin `Aamir (ra) and he said, “I came to Hazrat Ayesha (ra) and said, `Umm al-Mu’mineen! kindly tell me about the high morals of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him).’ She said, `His morals were just according to the Holy Quran.’ Further she said, `Did you not read in the Holy Quran, the word of Allah the most honoured and high you surely possess high moral excellences.’” (Musnad Ahmad, p. 91/6).


لَا‭ ‬شَكَّ‭ ‬اَنَّ‭ ‬مُحَمَّدًا ‬خَيْرُ‭ ‬الْوَرٰی

رِيْقُ‭ ‬الْكِرَامِ‭ ‬وَنُخْبَةُ‭ ‬الْاَعْيَان


Salman Mangla

Salman Mangla

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